Demo sites

Demonstration of the integrated hybrid energy system will take place in two real buildings representative of different climate and energy system configurations for 3 cases, in Southern Europe (France) without a heat grid, and in Northern Europe (Austria) with and without a heat grid. Through smart combination and optimization on the system level SCORES will evaluate technical, economic and environmental benefits being larger than the sum of their parts. 

The demonstration in Austria will be performed in two ways: with a connection to the heating grid and without the connection to the heating grid (connected to an already existing building block containing 2 family houses and an office area located in Gleisdorf). As the demonstration site in Gleisdorf represents an already existing and fully functional building block, the SCORES technologies are retrofitted to the already existing systems. For providing heat, the heat pump system is essential because it interfaces the existing space heating system and domestic hot water system with the long-term heat storage system. For providing electricity, the electricity grid is the main source. In addition to that, the SCORES demonstration contains an electricity storage and conversion system which contains the PV system and the electric battery system and the electricity converter. Of central importance to the SCORES demonstration is the energy and data management system.

Agen (France)

First demonstration sites of the SCORES technologies is located in the South of France, in Agen, where a new state of the art building has been constructed, comprising of 115 small apartments and collective areas for retired people.


The Space Heating System (SHS) in Agen is based on Electric Heaters with PCM (EHP) installed in one aparment. In parallel to the SCORES space heating technologies, the existing space heating system will also be completely functional at the demo location in Agen.

The electric heater with PCM sub-system (EHP) is demonstrated in the bigger apartment.

photorealistic picture of the EHP prototype

Photorealistic picture of the EHP prototype

domestic hot water system

The Domestic Hot Water System (DHWS) is composed of two sub-systems, working closely together to meet the domestic hot water need of the building. The sub-systems part of the DHWS include two SCORES technologies: the PVT subsystem and the water-water heat pump subsystem.


The Electricity Storage and Conversion System (ESCS) is composed of second life batteries, allowing the harvesting and the storage of electrical energy. The PV part of the PVT Subsystem (PVTS) delivers the electrical energy towards the ESCS.


The Energy and Data Management System (EDMS) is composed of two sub-systems, working closely together to allow the optimization of the SCORES technologies towards self-consumption, self-generation and flexibility for the grid. The sub-systems part of the EDMS include the building energy management sub-system and the demo monitoring subsystem. The functionality of both subsystems is taken over by the BEMS subsystem on level 3, based on the consideration that few signals are needed for monitoring. From that perspective a separate demo monitoring system is not needed and has been integrated in the BEMS.

Gleisdorf (Austria)

Second demonstration sites of the SCORES technologies is located at Gleisdorf, in Austria. In Gleisdorf, an already existing residential building block is connected to both the electricity network and the local heating network.

Picture of the building used as demo Austria

The Space Heating System (SHS) is composed of one sub-system which is already installed at the building block in Gleisdorf. The existing space heating system as installed is not part of the SCORES system, however, it interfaces the SCORES system.

Heat pump systemThe Domestic Hot Water System (DHWS) is composed of one sub-system which provides the domestic hot water for each apartment and office of the building block in Gleisdorf. As in the case of the space heating system, the domestic hot water system is not part of the SCORES demo, however, it does interface the SCORES system. The Heat Pump System (HPS) system is composed of one subsystem, the water-water heat pump which is a SCORES technology. This system provides the hot water necessary for the space heating and the domestic hot water needs at the Gleisdorf building block. The HPS is a centralized water heating system. It is an assembly of water to water heat pumps, a short time buffer storage, a back-up system (electrical component) and several hydraulic components (pumps, valves). It also comes with its own control cabinet and energy meters. The thermal source of the heat pumps is a low temperature water grid. The heat pumps provide hot water for the domestic hot water and the space heating of the building.

The long term heat storage system (LHSS) is composed of one sub-system which works closely to the sub-systems providing the domestic hot water for the building. The sub-system part of the LHSS includes the Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) technology.

The Electricity Storage and Conversion System (ESCS) of the demo is composed of three sub-systems, working closely together to allow the harvesting and the storage of electrical energy.

The Energy and Data Management System (EDMS) is composed of two sub- systems, working closely together to allow the optimization of the SCORES technologies towards self-consumption, self-generation and flexibility for the grid. The sub-systems part of the EDMS include the building energy management sub-system and the demo monitoring subsystem.

The installed space heating sub-system is part of the space heating system and will provide the space heating need for the entire demo building in Gleisdorf. It is not directly part of the SCORES system.

The installed domestic hot water sub-system is part of the integrated DHW and space heating system and will provide the DHW need for the entire demo building in Gleisdorf. It is not directly part of the SCORES system.


29.04.2022 | Scores I Demo Sites Seminar

The Training Demo Sites Seminar was organized on the 20th of April 2022. The project coordinator introduced the project, those responsible for each demo site presented each of the demo sites and those responsible for each installed technology presented the respective solution. Watch the seminar here.

13.04.2022 | Event I Demo Sites Seminar Invitation
Our partners from IPS are organizing the Scores Demo Sites Seminar!
Save the date 20th of April 2022, 10:00 - 12:00 CET.
Find out more information here and download the agenda.